Please let me take a moment, to thank a fellow Navy Chief and friend, Rhonda L. Moore for the coaching session I had with her. It was very informative, and she was spot on with some things she shared with me. The “Wheel of Life” made me realize how everything in my life connects. Rhonda helped me prioritize my life issues and what was the most important that will help me grow and become a better mother, grandmother, sister and friend.
She helped me with my family concerns, financial issues and things I felt was keeping me down. I now am at peace with my son, his wife and my granddaughter moving to another state. I focused on the root problem to my finances and on track to them getting much better. She encouraged me to work on being positive and not allowing the negative to affect me.
I have bought her book and will continue to support her in changing lives for the good. Thank you, Rhonda.